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Main/COMPANY/About us

About us

Zhanazhol Munai Service LLP – team of professionals in the field of geophysical exploration and subsoil geodynamic monitoring, established to provide services to companies in oil & gas and mining sector. The Company practices highly professional approach to provision of services, regardless of scale and complexity of a project.

Goals and objectives of the Company

Our main focus is to provide high quality services to our customers in the field of exploration, development and subsoil protection:

  • geophysical exploration – gravimetric suvey, magnetic survey;
  • monitoring of geodynamic state of subsoil – analyzing and evaluating all significant changes occurred in the natural balance, man-made impacts and depletion of subsurface;
  • scientific and practical research – remote sensing of the earth surface from space (InSAR), microseismic monitoring with mapping of studied objects and territories;
  • digital geological modeling – work with specialized software for geological study and rational use of minerals and groundwater;
  • topographic and geodetic survey works.

Activity of our company makes it possible to organize continuous monitoring of both state of subsoil and development (including within the framework of the state environmental control system), is the basis for making rational management decisions, makes it possible to prevent and/or reduce damage from hazards related to natural processes occurring in subsurface and man-made impacts.

Competitive advantages of the Company

Zhanazhol Munai Service LLP is:

  • best personnel in area of geophysical exploration, complex geodynamic monitoring of subsoil state, professionals with specialized higher and technical education and many years of experience;
  • modern equipment, advanced survey technologies, innovative software products, complex methodologies of registration and systematization of monitoring results;
  • availability of all necessary permits and licenses to perform the works;
  • management systems that comply with highest international standards (ISO).


Our Company successfully perform services at many significant fields and license areas: Kashagan, Zhanazhol, Kenkiyak, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Ozen, Karamandybas, Akshabulak, Severnaya Truva, Kempirsai, Shiderty and others. Our services are used by JSC CNPC-Aktobemunaigaz, North Caspian Operating Company N.V., JSC Mangistaumunaigaz, JSC Karazhanbasmunai, LLP Voskhod-Oriel, JSC Ozenmunaigaz and other enterprises of the industry. Zhanazhol Munai Service LLP perform services of any level of; complexity, where professional support is required in geophysical exploration, subsoil monitoring and protection of oil and gas fields and mines.

Our contacts:


+7 (713) 294-75-39 | +7 (713) 251-46-80



Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Tauelsizdik ave., 5 k. 1, office 45
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