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"Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP - is a team of professionals in engineering survey and geodynamic monitoring, created in Aktobe to provide services to entities of oil and gas producing complex of Kazakhstan. The company exercises highly professional responsible approach to any task, regardless of the scope and complexity of the works performed.

Company aims and objectives

The main objective of our activities is to provide services of absolute quality in subsoil survey, exploitation and protection:

  • engineering survey – geodesic, geophysical, environmental;

  • monitoring of subsoil geodynamic condition – with regard to and assessment of all significant changes in natural balance, human impact, subsoil pollution and depletion;

  • academic and research survey - geological, geo- and hydro geological, geoecological with mapping of studied objects and areas;

  • design works – development of specialized programs for survey and efficient use of natural resources and underground water;

  • works of geodesic and survey directions;

  • professional water well drilling.

 Company activities allow to arrange continuous monitoring both of subsoil condition, as well as of operations on their use (including those within government environmental monitoring system), that is the basis for taking reasonable managerial decisions, allows to prevent and/or to reduce damage caused by emergencies, connected with subsoil natural processes in and human impact.

Competitive strengths of the company

"Zhanazhol Munai Service" is:

  • the best professionals in geological surveys, geological engineering and ecological engineering surveys, complex geodynamic monitoring, specialists with specialized higher and special technical education and huge experience;

  • up-to-date equipment, the latest computer hardware, advanced survey technologies, innovative software for mapping, presentation and arrangement of survey results;

  • availability of all required certificates and licenses for the operations;

  • management systems that conform with the highest international standards (OHSAS, ISO).

геодинамикаThe company has successfully completed critical works at many major fields of Kazakhstan: Janazhol, North Troyes, Kenkiyak, Kumkol Alibekmola Kozhasai, Akshabulak, Nuraly, Aksai, Kokzhide, Mortuk, Kumsai, Asanketken, Borkyldakty and others. We have provided and are providing our services for CNPC "AktobeMunaiGas", "KazakhOil Aktobe" LLP, "KMK Munai" JSC, "SP Kazgermunai" LLP, "Samek International" LLP, Equus Petroleum and other companies of the industry.

"Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP - implements tasks of any complexity in any area of the Republic of Kazakhstan where support of professionals is needed for development of oil and gas fields and ground water.


                            Contact information:
1416414193_phone-48 +7 (7132) 244-680 | +7 (7132) 244-681
1416414284_mail-48                 info@zmservice.kz
Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Tauelsizdik ave., 5 k. 1, office 45
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