One of the priority types of activities performed by "Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP is topographical survey. This catch-all word that is normally considered as a complex of works intending on preliminary collection and analysis of information about topographical relief and area condition. Topographical survey results serve as a basis for construction projects and they can also be used in other types of surveys. All works are executed in an established sequence specified in design specification and with regard to some external circumstances. As a rule, this sequence looks like that: geodesics
development of geodesic foundation;
topographical survey of different scale;
tracking of infrastructure lines and facilities;
geodetic connection of hydrologic sections,
geological workings and survey points.
Each of this survey phases consists of several applicative works. "Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP has all required equipment and high-precision tools to perform them. This equipment includes modern tacheometers, telescopic tripods, probes, portable radio sets and many others.
You will be fully satisfied with quality of our services!
Topographical survey can be performed by field methods and by desktop\office study. "Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP professionals provide geodetic support in full conformance to industrial regulations and standard. All personnel of our company has a long-term experience and thus we can solve the most difficult technical tasks in short time and without any decrease in quality.