"Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP renders professional engineering-geophysical surveys, consisting of integrated exploration of all components of the environment (soil, ambient air, geophysical fields, underground and surface water bodies and etc.), and social and economic and industrial conditions in the close proximity to object. These operations include the following:
preliminary surveying for projects development, construction and use of buildings and structures;
geoecological research of surrounding area and water objects;
modeling of geological environment pollution during design of socially hazardous objects and industrial plants (places of liquid flows filtration, solid domestic waste landfills, cemeteries and burials, waste burning plants);
environmental assessment of mineral deposits and active mining works;
geological and economic and environmental expertise of designed and operating objects of subsurface use;
assessment of ecological state of underground waters and operating intake facilities;
preparation of methodological recommendations on subsurface usage methods (liquidation of pollution focuses, underground space development, waste burial and storage, extraction of minerals and land re-cultivation).
"Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP performs all surveys in the shortest possible terms
Our work ensures proper assessment of environmental conditions at construction sites, elimination or considerable reduction of all possible adverse factors, and maintenance of optimum conditions both for life and business activity. "Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP can offer its clients a full range of services in the field of ecological surveys and approvals:
identification of permissible level of subsurface use, regional specific, taking into account ecological requirements;
determination of environment pollution level - soil, water, air - by hydrological indicators;
evaluation of impact of business activity facilities on environment;
radiation safety audit of facilities and territories, and also measurement of radon flow density;
evaluation of damage from adverse ecological processes and catastrophic environmental impacts;
value appraisal of subsurface resources;
preparation of analytical, estimated, forecasting information regarding to all kinds of environmental pollution and subsurface conditions;
preparation of geological passports for headwater basins, mineral deposits, ground waters and other objects;
design of protective sanitary zones for drinking-water pipelines and water-supply sources, as well as projects rationale.
geo-ecological mapping of the territory;
evaluation of environmental degradation;
identification of polluted areas for further conservation and rehabilitation;
preparation and development of projects concerning protective sanitary zones for potential pollution sources (these can include: industrial enterprises, disposal areas for solid domestic wastes, waste burning plants, burials and cemeteries, as well as sewage disposal fields); geo-ecological evaluation of natural environment conditions in the areas of subsurface use;
ecological audit of business entities;
development of technical regulations on emission of hazardous pollutants into the environment, and also on waste management.
evaluation of ecological safety of substances, materials, equipment, technologies, industrial productions and facilities;
"Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP renders consulting services to organizations and enterprises on the following:
application rules for regulations on financial penalties for environmental pollution;
design of regulations on permissible environmental impact level;
consideration of ecological specifics of implementation and support of various investment projects;
obtainment of reports on compliance with ecological requirements of organizations and enterprises, required for license approval and special approval documents, which give the right to perform professional activity;
usage of special environmental protection and resource-saving technologies;
arrangement of ecological services in industrial enterprises;
statistical reporting in the field of environment protection, which is submitted to governmental agencies;
rules for environment-protection arrangements in water areas and territories of nature and business objects;