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Main/Services/Engineering survey/Engineering-geophysical survey

Engineering-geophysical survey

Gravity survey - is a method of exploratory geophysics that studies gravity fields, which abnormalities depend on change in density of underground rocks. With regard to the engineering-geophysical survey an outstanding feature of this method is execution of ground and borehole measurements within limited areas to identify ground non-uniformities. Gravity survey is used for the following purposes:

  • engineering-geophysical survey;

  • prospecting of heavy ores;

  • identification of deep-seated faults of tectonic structures;

  • geological mapping;

  • prospecting of energy producing materials (oil and gas);

  • gravity research.

The gravity exploration method itself is distinguished by efficiency, safety and no need to expend much resources for its execution. High qualification of "Zhanazhol Munai Service" LLP professionals allows to implement tasks with accuracy and economic efficiency. Our company`s additional advantage is the use of modern gravity meters during operations.

We apply all technical achievements in this field.

An automated gravity meter Scintrex AutoGrav CG-5 is very light and have high operational accuracy - up to 1 mcGal! Its other advantages are: an automated compensation and correction, resistance to thermal forces, pressure effects and magnetic field. In comparison with similar tools, CG-5 is much more efficient in suppression of seismic noises and has low residual drift.

Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Tauelsizdik ave., 5 k. 1, office 45
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